
The Saxony Golf Club Fall Event
  • Awaiting a chilly start
  • ice on the practice range
  • Even Greg wore long pants
  • Chris Pfluger gets into form
  • Anthony doesn't trust cold days
  • Charlie, Pfluger, Greg & Sigona
  • Greg hits driver to the sunshine
  • Ennis, Cook, DiLeo & Kyle
  • DiLeo Launches one
  • Cook makes sure his tee is okay
  • Ryan, McEvoy & McNaughton.  Anybody seen Woody?
  • UnkaLarry puts up one of his 16 scores
  • Event Winners: Condon, Shearman, Young & Hastings
  • Gramolini, Goldberg, Valenti & Sanossian
  • Goldberg going for the green
  • Schimoler, DiFiore, Bair & McGaley
  • Schimoler smacks it down the middle
  • The Best Mr Bair has ever looked on a course
  • Conor carries the corner
  • Boom Boom readies the sonic swing
  • Klimerman, Linda, Higgins & Paul
  • KlimerSwing
  • Chris Paul goes John Daley
  • Frank shows that 31 degrees are all in your mind
  • Sons of Anarchy meets Caddyshack
  • Linda looking down the middle
  • Hertz, Herschenfeld & Halpern
  • Rob goes long
  • Steve stripes it
  • Fately, Eisenberg, Leopold & Vogel
  • Leopold on #11
  • It really is a beautiful course
  • Vogel lets it loose on #11
  • Andy posing
  • That Flat Fall Light on #4
  • Schimoler with a hybrid
  • The Hawk Strikes
  • Let the Lunch begin
  • Flawless Fall sky
  • Real Hot Food buffet
  • UnkaLarry explains how he carried the team
  • Woody and his notes
  • Ed blowing smoke
  • A Sartorial Sanossian takes it all in
  • Tom thanks the Tournament Committee
  • Pete recalls his 10th hole
  • Our VP is less impressed by Our President
  • Ron accepts Memorial check
  • Tom collects for the Club Championship
  • Mr Ennis can't believe the check isn't for him
  • Chris Paul - B Flight Runner up
  • Conor - Club Champion Runner Up
  • The crowd cools down
  • Charlie for PBB win with Levy
  • Kyle collects for 3rd Place Fall Classic
  • Woody negotiating on behalf of the club
  • Alan is pleased with the day
  • Team 59 remembers when they used to play
  • The Shearman Family took home 5 checks