Our Weekly Games

Play The Whites

Movin' On Up
You will find the 2013 Weekly games largely unchanged from last year.  Based on the survey we took in October one or two games will be dropped and the more popular ones repeated.  And, by popular demand - in the first 6 weeks no lefthanders with last names beginning in “V” can collect cash.

There will be one big change though: The White Tees.  In 2013 anyone may enter a Weekly from the White Tees.  Tournaments and other events are a different matter and will be set individually by the Tournament Committee.  But for The Weeklies; Play The Whites.

Of course you can still play from the Blues.  Most of us probably shouldn't, but that's never stopped us before.  Just be sure your card highlights the tees you played from and that you get your handicap right.  

If you do plan to play from the Whites you should be aware of how to calculate and adjust your handicap for competition vs the Blues.  Details are on the handicap page here or at the USGA.  Handicaps from both Blue & White will be posted behind 1st Tee.

I hope this helps us get around a little faster and a little happier. Comments welcome as always.

The Weekly Theory

Let's Have Fun
My reasons and rationale behind the new Weeklies and the games we play are here: A Weeklies Manifesto.  But if you're the Executive Summary type - this is it in a nutshell:

The Weeklies are meant to add to the fun of this great game.  They are not always a test of skill, but should reward good golf; from individual shots to complete rounds – including flukes, lucky breaks and putts over 6 feet (which I consider pure luck if they go in).  They should not get in the way of playing a postable round of golf nor require an MBA to compute.  Nor should victory be a total surprise to the winner.  It’s best if they help you see the game in a slightly different way - play just a little bit better - laugh just a little bit harder.

To those ends here are a couple refreshers on how things work:

  • Weeklies will end on Saturday when the last Saxony golfer comes in.
    • Rounds played Sundays and during the week count in the following Saturday's game.
  • If you tee it up on Saturday - that's your round for the Weekly.
  • If we don't get 20 scores, because of weather or sleepiness - no Weekly.
  • Any of us can play from the White Tees - if we want - with the right handicap, of course.  Linda, and those 70+ can move up to the Reds.
