What's The Game

Making Fun of Saturdays

Weekly Winners

2012 Money List
Did you realize that 20% of your club dues went to funding the Weekly prize pool?  And did you know that our Treasurer Joe Valenti took home 11% of the pot?  The last time an executive pocketed that big a share of membership dues he ended up under Giants' Stadium.  Or so they say.

Mr. Valenti was our big winner this year earning money on six different Saturdays.  His nearest competitors only made the winners' circle three times.  Joe did this courtesy of a phenomenal spring spurt - he cashed in on three of the first four Weeklies.  Fortunately he slowed a bit in the summer heat and gave the rest of us a shot at recouping our dues.

Half the club ended up winning something.  30 different people received Pro Shop chits.  About half of them won on multiple weeks - the rest fluked in once and were never heard from again.  Others, like myself, shot some new personal bests, but chose the wrong weeks to score well and were basically blanked on the season.

If you split the club into three roughly equal handicap groups the money didn't flow equally to each, but I like the way it worked out - more financial reward for those who got fewer on-course rewards:

Low (under 15) $345        Medium (15 - 20)  $315        High (20+)  $380

Here is The Saxony Golf Club Money List.  If you want to see the weeks and games the guys won, even links to the scores they shot, click on Weekly Winners below, or the game to the right.  Congratulations to our 2012 Weekly Winners.

Winner Money List Wins
Valenti  $        115 6
Sigona 75   3
Hammer 65   3
Ryan 60   3
Greg 60   3
McEvoy 50   2
Sanossian 50   3
DiFiore 50   3
Condon 50   3
Hastings 45   2
Herschenfeld 40   3
Shearman, J 35   3
Walsh 30   2
Bair, J 25   1
Appel 25   1
Greenberg 25   1
Woody 25   1
Wolfe 25   2
Gramolini 25   2
Price 20   2
$15 each to Smith, Wooley, Ennis, Eisenberg, Zappulla
$10 each to  Charlie, Cook, Goldberg, Higgins, Levy, Leopold

Our Weekly Winners

Schedule of Events
Here are the games we played.  Like them?  Loathe them?  Don't Remember - typical...

July 14 Best Net Par 3's & 5's
July 21 Best Ball c Random Partner by popular vote
July 28 Club Championship no weekly
Aug 4 Best 9 Odd Holes
Aug 11 Match Play vs Par by popular vote
Aug 18 Six Tee Nine best 6 on each side
Aug 25 4 Man Best Ball
Sept 1 Less Labored Day play white tees
Sept 8 Doherty no weekly
Sept 15 Memorial no weekly
Sept 22 Stableford (net) last minute switch
Sept 29 Ryder Cup Sanossian's Surprise
Oct 6 Oktoberfest A Saxony Celebration
Oct 13 Fall Classic moved up a wk
Oct 20 Goodbye To Bogies 4 Net Bogies or less

Behind The Weeklies

A Quick Summary
Reasons and rationale behind the changes are here: A Weeklies Manifesto 
But if you're the Executive Summary type - this is it in a nutshell:
The Weeklies are meant to add to the fun of this great game.  They are not always a test of skill, but should reward good golf; from individual shots to complete rounds – including flukes, lucky breaks and putts over 6 feet (which I consider pure luck if they go in).  They should not get in the way of playing a postable round of golf nor require an MBA to compute.  Nor should victory be a total surprise to the winner.  It’s best if they help you see the game in a slightly different way - play just a little bit better - laugh just a little bit harder.

To those ends there are a couple of changes this year:
  • Weeklies will end on Saturday when the last Saxony golfer comes in.
    • Rounds played Sundays and during the week count in the following Saturday's game.
  • If you tee it up on Saturday - that's your round for the Weekly.
  • If we don't get 20 scores, because of weather or sleepiness - no Weekly.
  • Those of us 65 and over have earned the right to play from the White Tees - if we want - with the right handicap, of course.  Those 70+ can move up to the Reds.

Weekly Scorecards

With every week a different game it can be tough to keep track of what's happening. So to help us all figure out what we're doing and why there will be Weekly Scorecards. You don't have to use them, but I bet it will be easier if you do.

Here's a link to print out this week's custom card:

Cards will return in 2013

If you forget the card, plan is to have some at the course on Saturday. Look for them on the back of the starter's shack, behind the first tee.

2012 Weeklies

Hole-By-Hole scoring for every card. Bet you would have tried harder if you knew how close you came...

Goodbye Bogies
Fall Classic
Ryder Cup
Net Stableford
Less Labor
SixTeeNine - Aug
Match Play vs Par
Best 9 Odd
Random Partner
Par Is Odd
Red White & Blue
Par Fore
Best 9 Even
Hey Putz!
Best Back
Best Front
Pink Tees
PBB Sync
Claim Your Deductions

2011 Weeklies

Hole-By-Hole scoring for all the cards Hammer shared.