A True Fall Classic

Nov 5th
I thought it was too cold to score well.  I thought the greens were too fast and too bumpy to score well.  I thought it was too wet to score.... well, it doesn't matter what I thought.  Because a couple groups just lit up the course with some of the lowest best ball scores ever seen at Saxony:  59! 60! 61!  Jeez.  62 would have won in the past - did we all suddenly get that much better?  Maybe - every group did break par.  Just wait 'till next year.

Congratulations to those teams who played so well:
    59:    Dan Hamerslough,  Chris Paul, Bob Price and Jeff Shearman
    60:    Dan LoParco, Anthony Sigona, Dave DiLeo, Whitney Smith
    61:    Fred Appel, Conor McGaley, Jonathan Leopold, Ron Zappula
             Frank Higgins, Joe Valenti, Marcelo Nacht, Paddy Power

The pressure packed Yellow Ball event brought out the yips and yanks in all of us.  Still, an amazing 5 out of 12 yellow balls made it to the 18th tee.  I say amazing as I'm lower than the event average handicap, yet rarely go a full round with one ball.  Well done group.  That's a stellar showing.

The scores themselves were generally a lesser source of pride:  no group broke 40 on the back as the intensity grew.  Congratulations to the teams who finished all 18 holes with the golden orb in hand:
    75:   Tom Cook, Mike Sakala, Jim McEvoy and Greg Schimoler
    79:    Frank Higgins, Joe Valenti, Marcelo Nacht, Paddy Power
    81:    Mike Vogel, Linda Shearman, Bradwene and Kyle Shearman
    88:    Greg Horgan, Phil Klimerman, Steve Wagner and Bran Kubo

Event photographer, Bill Lydon, had some unfortunate issues with electronics vs frost, so not he didn't catch all the groups -- but he did catch some very nice shots of our cold start on the first tee - link below.

Opening Day Scramble

April 16, 2011

Congratulations to all who came out and braved the November weather to kick off the Saxony Club golf season.  It was a great day, if f@#$n freezing.  Conditions kept scores right around par.  Nobody really got warmed up with each group recording at least one bogey.  Finishes were in a tight range from 3 under to 3 over.  A look at all scores in in the link to the right.

It was great having Charlie hit a drive for all groups on #1.    He didn't even seem to swing,  yet got a high soft draw to clear the trees and scoot up by the green.  With his help the first hole became the most birdied one on the course.  Don't you wish he'd hit every tee shot for us?

In a distinct improvement over prior years we had winners for every prize.  The contest markers were out on the greens before we teed off.  And Robby ran a rope down the middle of 10th hole fairway to set up for Straightest Drive.  Even Bob The Starter got in the act by taking photos as we teed off.  (They went up Sunday after the income taxes - link below).  In return for all their help we ran the prize money through Charlie's pro shop.  It worked so well, that all Club prizes will probably be handled that way this year.

The change in Driving competition on #10 was supposed to give more people a chance, but Anthony quashed those hopes early in the day by leaving his drive 1" from the rope - effectively closing the competition out with a single shot.   Other Scramble Winners were:

First Place:  Hamerslough, Walsh, Pete Ennis and Whitney Smith at -3.
                     Considering they opened birdie/birdie then were only -1 for 16 holes                           you should get an idea of how tough the conditions got. 
Second Place: Bucceri, Vogel, Greenberg, Kubo at -2
Third Place:
Gramolini, Leopold and Mueller (T Bair/no show) at -1
                      Team won in a match of cards over Sigona, Levy, C Horgan and Pfluger

Closest to Pin #4:     Larry McNaughton at 133"
Closest to Pin #7:     Tom Condon at 6' 11"
Closest to Pin #16:   Andy Eisenberg at 300 cm (He made the putt)

In a very welcome "Welcome Back" gesture, Andy and the Club Officers elected to pick up the tab for the luncheon.  Sounds like political pandering, but it worked for me.   The Season is officially on.  Get out there and play your own ball for all 18.  

But Bran Kubo did provide some memorable shots of Closing Day 2004.  Click below and go to the last batch of photos.

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Final Results by Group

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