Partners' Best Ball Continues

Let's Play Golf

Current News & Conditions

That was Rough.
 After a week of rain and a couple warm nights the grass at Saxon turned a warm, humid round into the U.S. Open.  Okay, maybe not, but getting out of some of those lies was next to impossible.  In the soggy conditions good scores were hard to find.  

Some welcome new relief out there though - new hazard stakes and painted red lines deliniating the woods to theright #5 and right of #6.   Now slicers can just add one and move on - no more searching in that undergrowth.   And Joie DiFiore hit a bomb down the right hand side of #3 that would have been in the creek last year, but now that the water's covered over that area is fast and hard.  His ball almost climbed the little hill.  Yute.

   This Week At A Glance
From the First Tee Saturday, May 28th PBB Matches This Week

First Tee Time: 5:40
Forecast: Could be a Warm One

McNaughton/Sakala v Valenti/Corso

Perlowitz/McEvoy v Sanossian/Wooley
 (to be played on Monday 5/30) 

Ron Sanossian suggested that people might want to look up their handicaps wtihout having to use the laminated sheets beside the Pro Shop Computer.  So here's a little calculator that shows both Par 72 and Par 71 handicaps for Saxon Woods Blue Tees.  After this week it will move to a permanent home on the Tee Times page.

 Enter Your Index:  then click on button for seasonal Handicap

Your Spring/Fall Handicap is:
Your Summer Handicap is:     

For those who prefer the paper way - here's a lookup sheet for most indices.

Hole Rankings: The Front

What's Your Nemesis

Last week I posted a revised scorecard which suggested a new order of difficulty for the holes. This week we take a longer look at the Front 9and collect your input in survey to rand the front nine.

Over a couple beers we got to talking about how much the course has changed and how that should affect the handicap ratings of holes.  Andy took a poll of those around the table on which holes were the toughest.  It started a spirited discussion and we ended up with some pretty big changes.

The yardstick for harder was score:  where were we likely to make a "normal" score (par/bogie depending on h'cap) and where were those really big numbers likely to show up?  Our thinking is below and after that is a survey where you can add your opinion to this club project.

A hole-by-hole review of the Front:
#1 - one of the easiest, a decent tee shot leads to an makeable par.  No real danger outside the woods on the right.  Rank was 12; becomes easier at 16.
#2 - (Par 3) one of the most difficult pars out there.  But not a candidate for a snowman.  Tough par, yet manageable score.  Rank was 10; becomes 6.
#3 - biggest challenge is distance.  Tough to recover from a bad shot and even tougher to score after a couple stray balls.  Any number is in play.  Rank was 4; stays 4.
#4 - As easy as they get.  Only one full swing, always reachable and no real trouble between tee and pin.  Rank was 18; stays 18.
#5 - Hardest hole on the front.  Anything less than a perfect drive means a layup.  OB left  always in play.  Anything other than a red pin threatens a 3 putt.  Was 2; stays 2.
#6 - Ouch.  Needs a very accurate tee shot - often a driver and then the fun starts.  On the approach left is dead, right is deader.  Rank was 14; is 8 (and I say could be more).
#7 - Now an uphill challenge at the limit of many people's carry.  Very difficult green to find with ample trouble awaiting sideways and long.  Rank was 16; becomes 12.
#8 - As with all par 5's you're given that extra couple chances to make a bad shot.  So distance is the killer, but not a devilish hole - a possible par for all.  Was 8; becomes 10.
#9 - If the drive weren't uphill it would be an easy one.  Even tee balls sprayed right/left can end up with chances at par.  One of our simplest par 4's.  Rank was 6; becomes 14.

To see the draft new card- click here  Hole Handicap Ranking   
To add your voice to the dicsussion, click the four questions below:

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

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