President's Cup Begins

Let's Play Golf

Big week coming up The US Open, Partners' Best Ball Final and President's Cup Qualifying all in one day.  Would it be too much to ask for some sun and dry fairways?    Partne's' Best Ball concludes next Saturday with a titanic matchup in the 8th slot.  If you see them on the course, give them a cheer and if you finish early - why not walk the final holes with them - or at least bring your beer to 18 green around 11 o'clock and witness the finish.

 This Week At A Glance
From the First Tee Saturday, June 18th Matches This Week

First Tee Time: 5:40
Forecast: Could be a Warm One

President's Cup Qualifying
PBB Finals
vs Ennis/Price

I didn't play Saturday
 (at least I didn't play at Saxon Woods) hence have no comments or content, but you played - and I bet you have something to say.  So this week's theme is up to you.  Write about what's on your mind or was on the course.  Content will be displayed for all  and  may lead to new pages or new topics - Over to you....

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Play It Forward

Quien es mas Macho?

Our club plays from the Blue tees, but why?  According to Barney Adams, founder of Adams Golf, that's the equivalent of the pros playing from over 8,000 yards!  Barney has started a movement called Tour Distance which advocates playing from tees that allow you to hit the same clubs into greens as the pros do on their courses.  Warning - read no farther if phases like these offend you:

  • "Unfortunately, golfers are masochists," says Jack Nicklaus. "They want a challenge but end up playing from the wrong tees. The game needs to become more concise."

  • "I began to think it was like golfers have had a toothache for a long time," Adams says. "They've gotten used to the wrong thing."

According to "beginning in late May, the USGA, the PGA of America and the GCSAA started an ad campaign -- with the tentative handle of Play It Forward -- to convince golfers to move up.  It started with television segments during the Senior PGA Championship and will continue with the U.S. Open and the U.S. Women's Open. Then the organizations will urge course operators across the nation to set aside two weeks beginning July 5 in which they ask customers to play from a shorter set of tees, following Adams' guidelines."

Sounds like a great idea.  I hope Saxon Woods goes along with it.  To read more about this you can see a preview of Barney's article in the July issue  of Golf Digest (click here ) or the USGA perspective at (click here).

Which Tees should you be playing?

Driver Distance Recommended  
18 Hole Yardages
PGA Tour Pro 7,600 - 7,900
300 7,150 - 7,400
275 6,700 - 6,900
250 SW Blue Tees   6,200 - 6,400
225 White Tees   5,800 - 6,000
200 5,200 - 5,400
175 4,400 - 4,600
150 3,500 - 3,700
125 2,800 - 3,000
100 2,100 - 2,300

President's Cup

Go To PrexCup

Go to the President's Cup Tournament Page to read about the event, check out qualifying scores and see the draw
Check out Presdient's Cup

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