Perfect - A Great Day to Play Golf

July 30th

The weather couldn't have been better: And I was thrilled the greens came through that hot week so well.  We played last Sunday and putting surfaces were visibly browner than the day before, so I was worried that after a week of unrelenting heat they would be stressed.  But Mike says they watered every day and every evening, except Friday, when they were grateful to dodge the tornado by a mile or two.  It clearly worked.  Left things a bit plump and bumpy, but that's a small price to pay.  

After a record flurry of email, the first round of Club Championship play got underway. Andy summarized the matches nicely in his note:  Appel over Sakala,  DiFiore over Paul, Eisenberg over Ennis, Gelber over DiLeo, Leopold over Pappas and a special win - Woody over Walsh (this could be THE year).  Pages updated for those results - see the bit below about email links built into the draws.  By the way, the dates at the top of the draw sheets are only suggestions - if you can play earlier than that - even better.

For those in the event - if you need help scheduling your matches there are two ways to go: 1) each name is linked to his email - just click on the draw and a note to him will open;  2) each draw has instructions on how to get to the Members Only section of this site.  There you'll find email and phone numbers for all members.  And even if you're not playing in this tourney, why not download the info for reference?

This Week At A Glance
From the First Tee Saturday, Aug 6th Play This Week

   First Tee Time: 6:00
    Forecast: Sunny, Hot
     Club Championship
     Weekly:  Wk #2 Better Your               Score

Reminders - everyone's Aug 1 handicap is on the Tee Times/Handicaps page; Comment Box is on the "About Us" page; All members' contact info is in the Members Only section (hints to username/password on the page itself or on the Club Championship draws.)

Our Weekly Winners

Lke the new  logo?  Thank you.

I'm leaving this up as I'd like it to become a regular feature.  So far still waiting on results after July 9 when Hammer released the scorecards from three weeks' play.  But at least now we're able to look at not only who won, but how they did it - and how the rest of us did.  Hole-By-Hole scores for the 20 or 30 cards turned in each week are either really boring or very interesting - depending on how good your air conditioning is.  If it's too hot to think - no need to check them out.  But I enjoyed chillin' & looking through them.  To see for yourself, go to the Weeklies page (under Tournaments index) or click the link below.

Eventually I hope we're able to accumulate enough cards and scores to learn something about our play.  First up would be a reranking of the holes.  The more I struggle to find the right club on #7 or make a par on #5, the more I think the current version is out of whack.  Either that or those holes just play to my weaknesses.  Plus I bet there's some other interesting stuff in that data like how many 7's it takes to get to 90  or  how many of us can come back from a double on the next hole.

Also up on the Weeklies page is a list of winners to date.  Not that I would ever question anyone's handicap, but let me know if you start to see the same pattern as me.  How many times can he win and still carry a big number?

Club Championship

See The Draw
The Draws are up and play is underway.   See who you and your golf mates are up against.

Go to Index for all Draws

See the list of entries

President's Cup

See The Draw
Draw for the President's Cup with Final results.  This time with Video of the final 2 holes (now working 7/30)

President's Cup Results

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