Oct 29th

We cudda played - right?  Heck, the snow didn't even stick to the greens ('till noon).  Amazingly a few did play.  Looking more at the Calendar than the weather a dozen hardy Saxsonites teed it up saying "It's still October - play on."  Guido, Paddy & Walsh went off in the dark, followed shortly thereafter by Gramolini, Sigona, Cook & Goldberg.  I even caught a glimpse of the Eisenberg/Hertz group bouncing around between holes.  Admittedly conditions were on the edge of playable, but up 'till 11:30 there was good fun to be had.

Driven by the storm, they played in record time.  Guido's group blazed through in 2 1/2 hrs.  The Gramolini foursome loitered behind them in 3:10.  And it was fun.  Which got me to thinking about what on earth we do in the summer that takes so much longer.  Really - what makes it take 4 1/2 hours?  To those who say that real golf takes time, I offer Alan Goldberg's round:  a notorious ponderer, Alan seemed to improve as the pace picked up.  His drives were longer and he stroked several nice putts - almost as soon as he got to them.   He birdied #8 .  With a 20' putt!  No offense, but if Goldberg (a 28 handicap) can play that well, that fast, then the rest of us have some explaining to.  Congratulations on your birdie, Alan.

With the rescheduling of the Fall Classic some have had to change their times or commitments.  If you want to see who's playing; here's his list of who's in/out (Closing Tournament Status) and you can see REVISED groups, tee times and custom scorecards on the link to the right.  If you need to make changes, click here (email Andy) .

The season is officially  over.  No more EZ reserve.  No more posting scores.  From here on, it's just for fun.  Let's make that the theme for next week's Fall Classic.  Hit that yellow ball, but don't take it too seriously.  Details of the golf event are on the Fall Classic page.  I've also posted custom scorecards for the groups, but check back later in the week as I bet the some of the groups will change.

Next Saturday is also the final Club meeting of the year.  The agenda includes elections, a financial report and free beer.  What's going to be your favorite part?

This Week At A Glance

From the First Tee Saturday, November 5th Play This Week

ONE HOUR Frost delay. They are predicting 1st time of 8:30 Nov 5

    First Tee Time: 7:30 
    Forecast: FUN
    The Fall Classic
             Group Best Ball plus
              Yellow Ball

Reminders - everyone's Nov 1 handicap for Par 72 is on the Tee Times/Handicaps page; All members' contact info is in the Members Only section (hints to username and password on the page itself)

A Quick Quiz

2011 Season

Hammer has shared about 15 weeks of scorecards with me. That's 374 cards.  It's not enough to re-rank the holes to USGA standards, but there is some good stuff to be gleaned.  Using the club average handicap of 17.5, let's see if you can guess how the course stacks up....

Easiest hole vs par:
Hardest hole vs par:
Most birdied hole:
Most bogies:
Hole with the most double bogies or worse:

And here's one to think about - if you put all the 4 - 14 handicappers in one pile (139 scores) and all the 15 - 21 scores (135 rounds) in another - which group would have the best scores on each hole?  Seems obvious that the better golfers would score better, but in one case the high handicappers OUTSCORED the big boys - straight up, no handicap, just a better average score.  Which hole did that happen on?

Click to show answers.
Get More Details Here

The Final Event of the Year.  A great way to close out the golf season. Details - click above.  See REVISED Groups and print out custom scorecards below.

See Groups - Print Cards

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