Peace On Earth

   Course Closes 12/31

Get Out There While You Can     

A Statistical Summary 

2011 Posted Numbers

I found these nuggets digging through the USGA database of rounds posted by the Saxony Club in 2011.  There is a lot of good information there, but it could be so much better.   Hence, before we get started – a plea:  Please Post Your Scores and Turn in Your Cards.  We need another 400 cards to re-rank the holes by handicap. In looking through the data, I can tell many of you played a lot more than you posted.  I bet the USGA captures less than 75% of the rounds played.  So, please post 'em all - every little bit helps.  

Below you’ll find some trivia, evidence of hacking and a couple jewels.  Here’s a look back at the statistics of 2011:

1,535 Total Rounds posted by Saxonites
139,606 Strokes Taken (er, recorded) in playing those rounds
1,213 Rounds at Saxon Woods
110,506 Strokes [reported] at Saxon Woods
91 Average Gross Score at SW
4 Average Net Over Par (really differential vs Index, but close)
48 Course with most rounds posted other than SW = Mohansic
16  Maple Moor 2nd at only 16 rounds.  Bet that's way down from prior years

16.1 Average of Club Handicaps at the end of Season
0.1 Increase in Average Club Handicap over 2011.  So much for my theory that we'd all go up given how much tougher #6 & #7 had become.
Days of Most Play

June 4th                        40 rounds
July 9th                 39 rounds
May 14th               38 rounds
June 18th              38 rounds

Days of Best Scoring
July 9th                  Not surprisingly this was our "Play It Forward" day.  As a group we had our best round of the year.  A net total score of 74 over for 39 players.   We should do that more often.
Aug 6th                  35 rounds averaging +2 net per player.  Nice.

Days Better Spent Elsewhere
June 4th           We combined for a whopping total 211 over net.  Averaging more                                 than 5 over net each.   Shudda stayed in bed.
May 7th             210 over net on the first weekend of PBB play.  Tournament Jitters?

The next two weeks will continue looking through the database and extracting other little tidbits.  This time in the form of Award Shows.  We’ll celebrate the highs and low of our members in 2011 in two segments.

First up - THE HANDIES.  Handies will be awarded for accomplishment in (and against) the Handicap System.  The HANDIES include categories like Most Consistent, Most Volatile and Biggest Sandbagger.  

Then we'll close out the year with THE SAXIES, given for stellar numeric achievements in the best spirit of the Saxony Club - including Best Round, Worst Round, Best Streak...

Both are purely for kicks; based on whatever scores were posted. If you'd like to nominate someone for a particularly awesome round/hole or golfing feat, please drop me a line.  Love to include them.

Have a Happy Hanukkah this week (did you spot the menorah in the starters' shack?)  And get ready for a Merry Christmas.

Walkway Complete
Path Update 

Click on the photo or link to see a larger version of final path and shots of its construction.

Path to the Pathway

Porky Holds the Cash
2011 Club Finanicals 

Click on Porky or the link below to read a summary and study the numbers.

See The Numbers

Get More Details Here

The Final Event of the Year.   Click on the logo to read the summary.  Click below to go directly to scores or photos.

See All Final Scores

See Event Photos

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